Our transition programme is extensive to ensure students have a smooth and successful move from primary school. This process begins in Year 5 and provides for students with opportunities to familiarise themselves with the school and gain an understanding of our school values. These are the first steps in building strong relationships with teachers and support staff. Students come to St Anne’s during Year 5 to experience lessons and workshops in Art, Catering, Music, Science and many more.
Our Head of Personal Development visits the Year 6 students regularly throughout the year supporting in all aspects of the curriculum and preparing students for their transition. Information is given out about our Open Evening, where parents are able to visit the school and discover what St Anne’s has to offer. The school is also open throughout the year for parents to visit during the school day at any time that suits them so they have a chance to see us ‘in action’.
Year 6 Students have a transition day which take place in the July prior to their September start; these are linked with other Stockport and Manchester Schools to minimise disruption in primary schools. During the transition day, students further familiarise themselves with the school and participate in a full day of learning; students will meet their form tutors and be introduced to new and exciting subjects.
We have an early transition process for students who may find this time more challenging. This includes a dedicated contact member of staff in school, visits to St Anne’s with parents and/ or teachers from their primary school, visits from our staff to the primary school to meet the child in a familiar environment and additional meetings to make arrangements for starting secondary school.
To ensure our process is secure and that students do not slide backwards in their education, we communicate regularly with primary schools and speak to them about the Y6 curriculum. This supports us in identifying areas in which pupils may needs extra support and we include these in our curriculum planning.
Our transition process ensures that our Year 7 students start St Anne’s feeling cared for and ready to excel. From the time they arrive, students are supported by their Head of House and their form tutor. Our dedicated pastoral team works closely with parents and carers to make sure they feel involved and are well informed about their child’s education. Parents, carers and students are invited to a welcome meeting to build relationships with our staff at the start of the school year. Communication with parents and carers is strongly encouraged throughout the school year.