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‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them’. (Matthew 18:20)

Every School Day Counts!

As a Catholic school, St Anne’s believes in educating the whole child. Poor attendance at school not only impacts on academic attainment but also on personal development. Students need to be in school to take advantage of the full range of opportunities available to them. Of course, we want our students to leave us with the best possible grades, but we also want them to have had exposure to the social, moral and spiritual opportunities that a day at St Anne’s can offer. Quite simply, if a student is not in school then they cannot develop as well as we would like, in these areas.

The average child in the UK has 96% attendance. Many have more and some have less. However, it is important to remember that your child’s reported attendance can be misleading. For example, if you were to achieve 80% in an exam or test then most of us would consider that to be a good result. However, 80% attendance at school is the equivalent of missing two years of school and all the opportunities that it brings.

Strong school attendance is vital in ensuring your child has the opportunity to fully cover all aspects of the curriculum.

  • Strong attendance is proven to lead to stronger academic outcomes.
  • All future education settings will request attendance and punctuality records from school.

Percentage %

  • 97+

    Very Good


  • Students who regularly attend are more likely to gain academic success. Attending school regularly will also ensure students have more opportunities to socialise with peers, exercise more and build stronger relationships.
  • Half termly certificates
  • Increase opportunities to attend rewards events and trips​
  • 95 – 97
  • Below Target
  • If attendance drops into this category students have missed approximately 10 whole school days of learning. This will make it more difficult for students, as gaps will form in their knowledge. The attendance team will be monitoring the attendance closely.
  • This is the equivalent of between ½ a day to 1 day absent per fortnight.
  • A letter will be sent to the parent or carer.
  • A Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £120 where appropriate.

If your child’s attendance drops below 97% (our whole school target), you will receive a letter to notify you that you will be monitoring your child’s attendance.

  • 91 – 95
  • Not Good Enough
  • Students’ chances of academic success are now at risk. The school will now be actively taking steps to support in improving attendance. As per government guidelines legal action will begin
    at this point.
  • Monitored by Head of Year
  • A fine of up to £2500
  • Your case may be passed onto Stockport Educational Welfare Service for support and accountability proceedings.
  • Below -90
  • Unacceptable
    • Students’ attendance is a very serious concern. They are now classed as a persistent absentee and the school will have already put a plan in place to improve attendance. Continued absence will likely lead to court action, including prosecution and fines.

Punctuality Matters

  • Punctuality is just as important as overall attendance. Being late to school or lessons has a negative impact on everyone in the class. Learning is disrupted and routines are disturbed. It is not always possible or appropriate for a teacher to stop the lesson to help a student catch up on what they have missed. Therefore, a student arriving late is already at a huge disadvantage to others in the class. This can lead to frustration, disengagement, poor behaviour and eventually poor academic attainment. It may not seem that much but as the graph below shows, being 10 minutes late to every lesson equates to 6.5 days of learning lost a year.

Key Absence Information

  • Students are expected to be on the school site by 8:30 am and in their form rooms by 8:40 am. If they are not, they will be marked as late.
  • Any student arriving to form after 8:40 am will receive a late detention. These are held after school on the same day. Parents are notified by text.
  • Students who are persistently late will not be eligible for reward trips.
  • If a student is going to be absent from school, parents must ring and report it to the absence line before 8 am.
  • Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible and at least 2 days’ notice given (emergency appointments are exempt from this).
  • The Headteacher will only approve absences for events and opportunities in exceptional circumstances and with clear evidence.
  • The Headteacher will not approve holidays under any circumstances.
  • The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher reserve the right to approve absence and attendance at rewards trips in very exceptional circumstances.

Travel To & From School

St Anne’s can be found just off the A6 with the 192 bus running between Hazel Grove and Manchester running at least every 10 minutes during peak times

The timetable for the bus can be found on the link below;


Click on the following link to access our Policies (Attendance Policy resides here) – Policies & Statements | St Anne’s RC Voluntary Academy

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