Mr S Logue - Executive Headteacher
Welcome to St Anne’s Academy
As Executive Headteacher of St Anne’s I warmly welcome you to our website which I hope you will find both informative and inspiring. It is an absolute privilege and honour to lead this proud catholic community. The governing body, led by Mr Thorpe, are experienced and committed to the school. Senior and Middle leaders are professional and are morally driven to ensure that the education received by the children here is at least good. All teachers and support staff work very hard to ensure that our vision is met. This vision is simple: ‘To be outstanding in all we do’.
I believe that our culture, the ‘St Anne’s Way’ encapsulates all that we are trying to achieve. This is underpinned by our SACRED values of Service, Ambition, Compassion, Respect, Equality and Determination. At St Anne’s these values are lived out through the seamless relationships between students and staff. These relationships are based on mutual respect, clear boundaries and high expectations.
Finally, St Anne’s is a community with great potential. We, governors, parents, students and staff must believe in the community and be confident of our many successes. The leadership and I are determined to continue with the massive improvements over the past few years which have culminated in a GOOD Ofsted judgement for the first time. The children here deserve nothing less!
Our Values
The act of helping or doing something for somebody else without expecting something back in return
Patron Saint - St Teresa of Calcutta
Devoted her life to helping others working with the poorest of the poor. Set up the Missions of Charity who care for people around the world.
Biblical Foundation
Quote - The greatest among you will be your servant. - (Matthew 21:11)
Story - Jesus washes the disciples’ feet - (John 13:1-17)
What this looks like
- The person of Service:
- Puts others first
- Isn’t concerned with rank
- Helps without being asked
- Gets on with things
- Looks for chances to support

To have high aspirations for yourself and others around you
Patron Saint - St John Paul II
Trained to be a priest in secret in Communist Poland. Was a talented sports man, actor and writer. Became the first Polish Pope and leader the Catholic Church.
Biblical Foundation
Quote - I have come that you may have life and have it to the full. - (John 10:10)
Story - The parable of the talents - (Matthew 25:14–30)
What this looks like
The Ambitious person:
- Wants the best
- Drives people forward
- Has the highest standards
- Doesn’t settle for average

To show empathy for others by showing an understanding of their hardships
Patron Saint - St Maximilian Kolbe
Set up an anti-Nazi newspaper and radio station. Protected and hid Jewish people from the Nazi’s and gave his life in the place of another prisoner in Auschwitz.
Biblical Foundation
Quote - You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no greater commandment than this. - (Mark 12:31)
Story - Parable of the good Samaritan - (Luke 10:25-37)
What this looks like
The compassionate person:
- Notices personal situations
- Feels for those in need
- Shows empathy with suffering

To show consideration for yourself and others around you through your words, actions and behaviour
Patron Saint - St Pio of Pietrelcina
Spend hours everyday in the confessional listening to people unburden themselves and giving wisdom and advice to them on living a better life.
Biblical Foundation
Quote - Treat others and you would like to be treated yourself (Matthew 7:12)
Story - The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
What this looks like
The Respectful person:
- Uses good manners
- Thinks of those around them
- Notices difference with respect
- Has regard for themselves

To treat one another with respect taking into account others’ disadvantages and privileges
Patron Saint - St Bernadette Soubirous
Despite been only a young girl with almost no formal education she explained with calm confidence her visions of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France
Biblical Foundation
Quote - God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him - (St Peter in the Acts of the Apostles 10:34-35)
Story - Jesus welcomes the Samaritan woman - (John 4:5-14)
What this looks like
The Equitable person:
- Strives for fairness
- Looks for balance
- Supports the disadvantaged

To be resilient in the face of challenges and hardships
Patron Saint - St Oscar Romero
Defended the rights of the poor while peacefully resisting the military dictatorship in San Salvador. He was assassinated for his faith and action while celebrating mass.
Biblical Foundation
Quote - Do not grow weary in doing good. - (St Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:13)
Story - Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert - (Matthew 4:1-11)
What this looks like
The Determined person:
- Stays the course
- Exercises self-control
- Focuses on what matters