Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbour. (Corinthians 10:24)
At St. Anne’s we believe that students will only fulfil their academic potential if they feel secure, happy and cared for within the school environment.
The welfare of the children in our school, is therefore the accepted responsibility of all members of staff. We pride ourselves on outstanding pastoral care, which begins prior to the student starting the school with very close liaison with our partner primary schools, parents and carers.
Once a child gains a place at the school, they are allocated to their Form Group where they are looked after by a team of people dedicated to their well-being, inextricably linked with pastoral care and emotional development of students.
The Safeguarding Team
Mr C Ostmeier
Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Head
Miss A Baird
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr E Murphy
Head of Year 7 and 8
Mrs K Corser
Head of Year 9 and 10
Miss E Zakaraite
Head of Year 11
The Safeguarding Process
Each Head of Year has responsibility for a year group. These are the members of staff who parents should contact to seek advice, discuss problems or raise matters of specific concern. It is essential that pastoral staff be informed about any changes to health or changes in circumstances at home. In all matters of support and discipline, parents are involved at an early stage and are welcome to contact school whenever there is a concern. The pastoral team are also able to make referrals to internal support and intervention where appropriate. Should you wish to speak to your child’s Head of Year please contact reception who will connect you.
The first port of call is the Form Tutor who will develop a close bond with children and encourage them to be part of a team. Form Tutors have day-to-day responsibility for around 25 students. Their main role is to monitor a student’s attendance, punctuality, general well-being and to support them in activities. Parents/Carers will normally send their enquiries to their child’s Form Tutor. The form tutors will normally remain with their form for the duration of their time at school.
Your child’s Form Tutors are the first point of contact and will deal with the majority of questions or concerns that may arise. The Head of Year is there to support you and your child both in terms of their academic progress and for any pastoral issues that may arise. Where issues arise, the pastoral team will intervene quickly and work with parents to address any concerns.
We have a full time Inclusion Manager who works within our Romero room. Our Inclusion Manager works with our children to support improved behaviour and provide interventions. Within our inclusion room students are afforded the opportunity to reflect on wrong decisions they have made. Students may also be invited to attend interventions to both educate and support their holistic needs, including healthy relationships, emotional wellbeing, anger management and making better behaviour choices.
St Anne’s students benefit from a part time school-based nurse and multiple staff who are trained first aiders. In 2023 we are excited to be able to increase our mental health provision through an NHS programme that has placed a Mental Health Worker in St Anne’s on a weekly basis. Our Mental Health Worker will work with the pastoral team to improve our whole school provision for mental health, whilst also working one to one with targeted students.
If you would like to contact any of the Heads of Year please email admin@stannes.academy and indicate which Head of Year you would like to contact in the email subject.
The Four R's
It is important to us that we educate our students in how to safeguard themselves and others around them. This is delivered explicitly through regular assemblies and the PHSE curriculum as well as implicitly through their subject lessons. Safeguarding should not be compartmentalised; it is something which permeates everything we do here at St Anne’s.
- Parenting Guide to Snap Chat
- Parenting advice on Gangs and how to recognise if your child is involved in one
- Phone Safety and Parenting
- Parents against Child Exploitation
- ‘For Me’ – Childline Counselling App
- Guidance about Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
- Self-Harm UK – Free Online Awareness Course For Parents