We are very proud of our school uniform; it is smart, professional and business like. We are grateful for the support of parents/carers with maintaining Outstanding uniform standards at St Anne’s and for ensuring all of our students look professional at all times.
As part of our continued drive on high standards and ensuring security around the building, “hoodies” and other fashion clothing, for example baseball caps, associated with “street culture” are not acceptable in or around school. Please ensure your child wears a sensible coat to come to/from school and does not come to school in a hooded top or jumper as their coat. The safeguarding reasons for this are very clear: we need to know who is on site and the uniform is a quick and obvious means of identification. With this in mind, students are expected to remove coats on entry to the building and keep them off at all times once inside the school buildings. This is in the best interests of the safety and security of all our students.
Only items which are acceptable to school, will be permitted. Formal school skirts or trousers must be worn. Skirts should be worn no shorter than one inch above the knee. Short and tight lycra skirts or trousers will not be acceptable. Footwear must be school shoes and should be sensible, formal and polish-able, e.g. leather or simulated leather. Trainers should only be worn for PE. A guide to acceptable school shoes is attached. The wearing of heavy make-up is prohibited. If make-up is obviously discernible, pupils will be asked to remove it. The only item of jewellery permitted is a wristwatch. Any form of smart watch is not acceptable.
Uniform Suppliers
The School Uniform
Girls | Boys |
Girls - PE Kit | Boys - PE Kit |
Optional for PE - both Girls and Boys | |
- Outdoor coats should be plain, No denim or leather
- No sweatshirts, “hoodies” or sports tops
- No jewellery except a wrist watch (This includes earrings).
- No make-up and no nail polish or false nails
- Shoes should be black, formal and polishable (no canvas). Please see images below, any queries please contact school.
- No trainers at all in school except for PE
- Hair should be of a style and colour suitable for school; extreme hair styles/colours and hair extensions are not permitted.
- Any items of non-uniform clothing or jewellery will be confiscated for an adult to collect from Reception
- Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled with pupil’s name
The school will have the final say on what is acceptable regarding all of the above.
Thank you for supporting St. Anne’s Uniform Policy.
Visual Guide To Shoes
If a pupil arrives to school with inappropriate footwear they will be asked to put on school issue shoes or spend the day in our Romero Centre.
Suitable Footware

NOT Suitable Footware

Basic Kit
Every Item, Every Lesson, Every Day
- 2 pens (blue/black)
- Pencil
- Ruler
- 1 green pen
- Rubber
- Pencil case
- School bag
- Reading book (from School Library)
- Calculator (Casio Scientific)
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Knowledge Organisers (provided by school)
- School Planner (KS3 only – provided by school)
Electronic Equipment
All electronic devices are banned at St. Anne’s, this includes on corridors and during lesson transition points.
- Mobile/Smart phones
- Smart watches
- Head/Ear phones
- Wireless Ear Pods
- Gaming devices
Zero tolerance
All electronic devices are not allowed in classrooms and on corridors. These will be immediately confiscated and the Parent/Carer must collect them from Reception.
Possession and Safety
Students are not required to bring any form of electronics in to school. Students who bring in electronic equipment do this at their own risk. School is not liable for any loss, damage or theft. Please consider students vulnerability when travelling to and from school with expensive electronic devices.