Trust Timeline - Growth Strategy 2022-2030
It is the wish and expectation of Rt Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford, for all Catholic schools across the Diocese of Salford to join one of three Catholic Academy Trusts. A Catholic Academy Trust is the most effective organisational structure of all Diocesan schools, to benefit both the schools and their communities, now and in the future. It is the Bishop’s wish that the individual character and charism of each school is protected and, indeed, enhanced, whilst giving Catholic education a more effective voice as a Catholic Academy Trust. Academisation gives strength to the central task of promoting and developing a distinctly Catholic ethos in our schools and the communities they serve across Greater Manchester.
As with the other Catholic Academy Trusts in the Diocese of Salford, the growth of Emmaus CAT has been strategically sequenced in order to enable schools to join with other schools within their Deanery. There are 70 Catholic schools and colleges within the Emmaus CAT footprint; 57 Primary schools, 10 Secondary schools, 2 Sixth Form Colleges and a Specialist Provision school. Catholic education from 3 to 19 is to be strengthened by the formal collaboration of the Catholic Academy Trusts.