‘Aspiring together to foster the hopes and dreams of our young people’
Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employment throughout their working lives.
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.
St Anne’s is committed to providing good quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to every student throughout their school career. We ensure that students come in to contact with employers to encourage students to aspire, make good choices and understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the careers to which they aspire to.
Our CEIAG programme provides activities appropriate to age and need; it aims to provide students with the best possible foundation on which to base not only their post-16 choices following Year 11, but also their options choices for GCSE subjects in Year 9.
Working alongside GM Higher, all year groups participate in careers-driven activities designed for their age range, including mock interviews and STEM activities. Students are able to experience lots of opportunities to speak to representatives from a wide range of career sectors, universities, colleges and training providers raising their future aspirations.
Careers Advisor
Miss Murphy from Career Connect is St. Anne’s Careers Adviser offering independent and impartial information, advice and guidance to pupils on their future career plans.
Miss Murphy is based in the Careers Office, by the Drama studio, each week to offer careers advice and guidance to students. We also have Ms Healey from Stockport Education and Careers and Advice Services in each Thursday who meets with our SEND students and those who may need extra support.
During the school year, students will have the opportunity to meet with Miss Murphy in assemblies, small group sessions, one-to-one interviews. Miss Murphy is also happy to work with parents/carers, attend Parents’ Evening and get in touch with parents if required.
Students will have individual meetings with Mrs Worrall in Y10 and in Y11, at least once in the academic year but more if required. These impartial interviews are important because:
- It is an opportunity to think and talk about their plans on a one to one basis with a trained, independent and impartial adviser.
- It can help raise aspirations and increase motivation to achieve highly in their GCSEs and vocational courses and beyond.
- It can help with making decisions related to options after school, whether it is college, sixth form, apprenticeships or other study programmes. It will help pupils choose the best pathway for their future.
- It can help with college or job applications.
- It can help with contacting colleges for they have not heard from them, have missed appointments or changed their minds on courses.
- It can help with writing CV’s and covering letter for college / job applications.
- It can help pupils to search for job/apprenticeship vacancies and tell them how to apply for them.
- It can help pupils to consider options post 18 and research them so they can choose the right pathways/ subjects and courses at 16.
Year 7
Students begin to consider their career choices in Year 7 when they focus on what their aspirations are and skills needed for work in their PSHE lessons. They also get to watch an assembly around the variety of jobs in a school as part of careers week.
Year 8
The topics covered by students in Year 8 in our SACRED days include GCSE options planning workshop and specific job workshops.
Year 9
In Year 9 students get the opportunity to attend a wide variety of trips to a range of employers, visit the Careers fair and meet a range of employers before beginning their pathways process with subject specific assemblies.
Year 10
In Year 10, the focus is on developing skills for particular careers, asking students to look at their skills, as well as thinking about options for continued education. Key activities include college taster days, work experience, university trips, interview skills workshop and apprenticeship fairs. Students have 1-1 careers interviews towards the end of Year 10 to support their applications at the start of Year 11.
Year 11
In Year 11, students consider a range of options, with a view to choosing the best one for them, whether that is continuing their education at a local college or applying for apprenticeships/Traineeships. All students get a 1-1 careers interview with the local Stockport Authority and a practice job interview with a range of external employers. Students also watch an assembly on student finance. We measure careers through our Aspire Surveys.
How can employers help us?
At St Anne’s, we are committed to the wider Greater Manchester Strategy.
As an employer, you can play a significant part in helping us achieve our goal. If you are interested in providing any of the following, we would be delighted to hear from you, please email your request to our SLT link Mrs Simmons by email: admin@stannes.academy providing a range of dates and an overview of what will be offered.
- Work Experience
- Careers Talks
- Student Mentoring
- Offering a work place visit
- Providing resources/sponsorships
Parents and Carers
We welcome the involvement and support of parents & carers within careers education and guidance. Parents & carers are welcome to arrange an appointment in school for any questions or queries regarding careers advice or post-16 destinations. Please phone the school on 0161 432 8162 to schedule this.
We also recognised that parents & carers have a wealth of knowledge and expertise within their own careers! If you would like to get involved in our careers programme yourself, please contact our SLT link Mrs Simmons by email: admin@stannes.academy
Our teaching staff have an active interest in getting the very best from our pupils and inspiring them to achieve in whatever they do when they leave St Anne’s. Our teachers are keen to promote the variety of careers and opportunities available within their own subject areas. Teachers can enhance careers activity through their subjects in a variety of ways – such as guest speakers in school, subject-focused careers trips, and employer led careers lessons, with employers helping to deliver aspects of the curriculum.
If teaching staff want to learn more about embedding careers into their lessons, staff can speak to Mrs Simmons, our SLT link for careers in school. We also have excellent support from Claire Walker at Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
For any stakeholders – including employers, colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers, alumni or parents – wishing to support our CEIAG programme at St Anne’s, please phone the school on 0161 432 8162 to schedule this.
Useful Websites
- https://www.ucas.com/?schemes=16-18_Choices&theme=all_stages
- https://www.gov.uk/further-education-courses
- https://www.yourcareerguide.co.uk
- http://www.careersadviceforparents.org/p/choosing-career-paths.html
- http://www.plotr.co.uk/advice/advice-for-parents/
- https://www.studential.com/careers-advice
- https://www.lmiforall.org.uk