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We recognise the importance of communicating with families and keeping you informed on your child’s progress and Parents’ Evenings are an excellent opportunity to talk to teaching staff and review this. Parents Evenings take place annually, but we also have Parent Information Evenings and termly reports which focus on academic progress.


Students will be given appointment cards prior to the evening to book meetings. Each evening takes place between 4.00pm and 7.00pm and provides  an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their subject teachers. We would very much welcome your child to attend these appointments with you if possible.


Should parents wish to speak to teachers outside of these times they are welcome to contact school and book an appointment. 


Appointments will be five minutes long. You are able to send questions through to individual teachers in advance of the meeting. Where subjects are split between more than one teacher, e.g. in some KS4 Science courses where many students have three teachers, you will be able to make appointments with all three.


How do I Make Appointments?


Please visit to book your appointments. A short guide on how to add appointments is included below.


If you have any difficulties logging on, please let us know by emailing;


The following information may help on the evening:


Please note that appointments are allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.


Should you wish to make any changes after the window for making appointments close (usually one hour before the event begins) or experience any issues with the SchoolCloud website please contact us using the following email address;

Parent and Carer Evenings

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